Why do dogs need toys?

- Maintaining physical fitness.

Active games are the best way to keep your dog at optimum weight. Unfortunately, pets are prone to gaining excess weight. And he, in turn, provokes serious diseases: heart failure, diabetes, diseases of the joints, etc. To protect the health of the pet, its shape must be monitored. Various frisbees, sticks, balls, tug-of-war ropes (for example, Petstages or Kong Safestix) - all these toys will allow the dog to engage in active play and satisfy its need for physical activity.

Зачем собаки игрушки

- Stimulation of brain activity.

Dogs are very intelligent animals, and their talents can be developed almost infinitely. It is not enough to learn the basic commands and stop there. For a full-fledged life, the intelligence of the dog must be activated all the time, brain activity must be constantly stimulated. But this does not mean that the owner will have to invent daily quests for the dog. It is enough to purchase several special puzzle toys (for example, Zogoflex Qwizl), which will not only take the dog for a long time, but also teach it to find solutions in non-standard situations.

- Oral health.

Toys also help maintain the health of teeth, gums, and the jaw apparatus in general. In pet stores you can easily find special models (for example, Finity Dog Chew) for strengthening the jaws, removing plaque, eliminating bad breath, etc.

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