Why do dogs need shoes?

1. From the snow. During winter walks, the snow clogs between the fingers of the dogs, freeze into hard ice, making it difficult to walk. Surely you have ever seen a dog in the winter periodically stopping and starting to bite the snow out of the pads. This is especially true for dogs with long and soft hair between the fingers. And the warmer and softer the weather, the faster the snowballs on the legs. Sometimes the snowball grows to such an extent that the dog cannot go any further. Boots will prevent such a nuisance.

2. From the water. In order not to deprive your pet of walks in the autumn rainy period, rubber boots will help you. They are indispensable for owners of small dogs with fine soft hair on their paws. Such hair instantly gets wet through and the dog freezes the rest of the walk.

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3. From reagents. As you know, in the winter the roads are sprinkled with various chemical powders to dissolve the snow. The larger the city, the better they monitor the state of the sidewalks and carriageways. A walk for the dog can turn into burns on the pads. I have seen more than once how dogs, crossing the road, begin to whine and press their paws. If there is a small crack on the finger, the burning will be especially strong. To protect against these products, special gels are also sold in stores, which are applied to the paws before a walk.

4. From trash. In the concept of garbage, I include any fragments, broken bricks, nails, etc. that can roll in places walking dogs. Even walking in a civilized place, a dog can grab a piece of glass by simply running into the bushes. Protective tight boots must be worn for service rescue dogs working in the rubble. There is a huge accumulation of glass, protruding reinforcement and other building hazards. Canine equip their laborers with protection in full.

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