Collar from fleas and ticks for dogs: the rules of choice and application

Fleas and ticks are common parasites that disturb the peace, worsen health and undermine the health of pets. If ticks are seasonal insects, they attack dogs only in the spring-summer period, then fleas can live in the animal's fur at any time of the year. Fortunately, there are many effective means of protection against parasites. One of the most popular is the collar, which is able to prevent the attack of fleas, ticks, and other blood-sucking insects.

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Most domestic dogs regularly go outside, so veterinarians strongly recommend the use of funds to prevent tick attacks every spring, and it is necessary to constantly protect against fleas. A four-legged pet can pick up a tick while walking on grass or lawn. Fleas or their eggs can be anywhere - in the soil, in basements, on the fur of other animals, on shoes or on the clothes of the owner. These insects are extremely resistant to adverse environmental factors, can hibernate for a long time, they are not afraid of cold or heat. Blood-sucking insects feed on hair, animal skin particles, often become carriers of dangerous infections, helminth eggs. If a dog accidentally swallows an individual, then the likelihood of the appearance of internal parasites - worms is high. Frequently, tick or flea saliva provokes strong allergic reactions, not to mention the constant itching and discomfort from insect bites. For puppies, bloodsucking insects are especially dangerous: they can provoke anemia and cause a weight deficit.

Flea eggs are not attached to wool, their shell is not treated with any secret, they can fall to the floor, animal litter. Therefore, when dealing with existing parasites, it is necessary not only to treat the dog, but also to thoroughly vacuum or wash its habitat, bedding, and personal items.

Here Pup


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