Can a dog eat cat food?

Is it possible to give a dog cat food or not, why is he so attracted to them, how to wean it, if the dog is already eating it and what can such a cat food turn to for the dog? This question is asked quite a lot of people who are faced with this situation.

Any food not from your bowl is always tastier - probably all dogs that look with hungry eyes at cat food think that and have tried it, they ask it constantly. Of course, dog owners, there are many questions at once.

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What is the difference between dog food and cat food?
What is the difference between dog food and cat food? In principle, these two types of dry food, at first glance, visually do not differ much, but in fact, they have fundamental differences, in fact, as between a cat and a dog.

A cat, by its nature, is a predator, therefore meat in its menu is an obligatory ingredient. Dogs, on the contrary, are omnivorous, they are able to exist and normally process both dry food and natural food. The composition of their nutrition should include the correct ratio of products of plant and animal origin.

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